
For A Long Time, The Body was Nowhere

How do we understand each other? In response to this article from the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/31/world/asia/31herat.html?_r=1


a new project continued: Community Artifacts

" Learning To Be Relative"
2011 digital image

a new project begins: Community Artifacts

making new friends...figures are approx 6"-8" from 'aged' tin cans


"Umm, Forever Is A Long Time"

Reproduction Experiments
digital images

"Forever, Perched In The Same Position"

Inkjet print on onionskin paper, pastel, charcoal, ink on luan. 26"x26" roughly


Mirror Cells

Does It Mean To “Die of Natural Causes?”
digital image

"One Big Debate Being Argued On Multiple Fronts"
digital image

"We Don't All Want The Same Things"
digital image
